Need to verify an address?

Field Calls

FEES:  $132.00 for Sydney Region, and from $143.00 Interstate and Country.

Within a Credit environment the need will arise to visit an address to communicate with a debtor or to verify information provided to you by a potential customer.

Our trained licensed process server will obtain information as listed below plus any additional information you require.

  • Confirm the address
  • Includes 4 visits to the address (country remote by quote)
  • Serve any demand letters or notices upon the customer
  • Confirm contact numbers, work, residential and mobiles
  • Interview the customer regarding his or her financial situation
  • Demand payment of arrears and make arrangements for future payments
  • Stress Terms and Conditions of your account
  • Evaluate their assets for potential litigation
  • Report on condition of property including any security held
  • If customer has left the address, interview neighbours
  • Report back any assets including motor vehicles etc.

Potential Customer

Issuing credit to any person is a risky business. However having a drive by evaluation of the customer business and residential address to review their ‘standard’ of living may assist you in making that final decision on giving credit.

The idea of the pre-credit field call is to establish;

The business/residential address does exist and is not just a vacant block of land or building that is ready to fall down
The business/residential address is occupied by the potential customer
Give a condition report on the property, including photos
If necessary, we confirm the address with neighbours. This is done discreetly and confidentially.
Obtain any additional information that you may require.
* Urgent requests or requests for remote areas may incur an additional fee. Contact Nautilus for a free no obligation quote.